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Event Details

AMAZONS will run 28th-30th September 2018 at Birch Hall (Scarborough, YO13 0BW)

Site page:

Google Maps link:,-0.5764162,15z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x3f8516eee2ba9852!8m2!3d54.3202342!4d-0.5764162



Birch Hall Scout Camp has indoor bunk facilities. All players and crew will have assigned bunks. Sleeping areas are always OC spaces.

If you require any special accessibility arrangements please make a note on your booking form.



Food will be provided by Serve It Forth. It will be Greek style with space elements.

The event ticket includes dinner for Friday night, three meals on Saturday, and a large brunch on Sunday.

If you have specific dietary requirements please make a note on your booking form so we can try to cater for them.

The catering is done on an at-cost basis, by volunteers. By booking a place on the game, players promise to help with cleanup and tidying.



Time In on Friday is 8pm. If possible please try and arrive before then! There will be a pre-game safety briefing which everyone should attend.

The event is 24 hour time in, but there will be a quiet period each night between midnight and 9am.

We expect to Time Out on Sunday at around 1pm. Tidying and cleaning the site is the responsibility of all players and crew. By booking a place in the game, every player promises to pitch in with cleanup at the end of the event.



We endeavour to have a small OC quiet space, with tables and chairs in addition to OC bunk rooms. At the moment we are expecting this to be the kitchen area in one of the cabins.

event_details.1527342342.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/05/26 13:45 (external edit)